Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 1 Photos from Tokyo

We left from LAX at 1:00pm on July 8th and arrived in Tokyo at 4:20pm on July 9th. This whole international date line is really tricky. It took us until 8:00pm to get to our hotel... I think we circled it a couple times on the various trains we took. Tomorrow we plan to go to Disneyland, but until then... enjoy these photos from day 1!

God Bless

Day 1 Photos:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Trip 2 Starts Today!

Hello again! Now that I've just finished getting my body out of jet lag, it's time to mess with my internal clock again. Israel was 10 hours ahead of California, but Japan is 16 hours ahead, crazy! In a few hours I'll be leaving for Tokyo.... this time with a slightly larger bag then from before. I'll arrive there on July 9th at 4:20pm. You gotta love the whole time change thing over the Pacific. Be looking for pictures in 24 hours or so, I'm not sure if I'll have internet at the hotel, but since it's Japan I think I will.

God Bless!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 8 photos are now available.

Shalom again! I didn't eat dinner instead I took the time to upload some more photos! Photos from today are very special... they are from inside Jerusalem. Enjoy!

Day 8:

Remember to leave comments here using blogger or on the pictures at facebook. Your friends and family at Israel would love to hear from you before they get back in a day or two.

God Bless,


Day 7 photos arrived! Day 8 photos coming soon!

Quick update for you! We are in Jerusalem! I've posted pictures from Day 7 online now and Day 8 will be posted in a few hours. Enjoy!

Day 7:

God Bless,


Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 5, 6 and Baptism!

Shalom! We are just finishing up day 6 and I've noticed that in Israel it takes a long time to upload photos to blogger/facebook. I spend about 1-3 hours a night uploading and writing about my photos on facebook and I usually forget to update this as well so once again I apologize if you are not seeing many posts on here. I did want you to know that I've posted three more albums on facebook:

Day 5:

Day 6:


If you want to leave comments on here or on facebook feel free too and if your children or friends need to see it I'll let them see it! In order to leave comments you need to have a blogger account or facebook account and then add me as your friend.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates

I've been using my internet to upload most of the pictures onto facebook and have not had time at the end of the day to also update the blog. I've changed the settings on my facebook account so that anyone should be able to view the photos even if you do not have a facebook account. Below you will find links to those pictures... enjoy!

Note: We will be at a Bedouin camp the next day or two and will not have internet until tomorow evening (36 hours or so from the time of this post).

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

If these do not work then please add me as a friend on facebook.

God Bless!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day Two: Around Tel Aviv!

Today was very fun and exciting! It was the first day of our official tour.

We started the day by going to Tel Bet Shemesh and when we got their we saw a live, archeological dig. I took a piece of pottery from the site, apparently it's a couple thousand years old!

We also went underground into a water well. It was man made and had a small hole on the top that the people would get the water from.
Then we went to the Valley of Elah and saw where David conquered Goliath! I picked up 5 stones and tossed one in a sling.

After that we visited rock quarries in a national park. It took apparently 10-20 years to make one hole in the caverns... there are hundreds and thousands of these holes in Jerusalem. Some of the holes are 3-4000 years old. They made these holes to get the limestone inside the ground to make buildings/houses.

Next we went to a family burial cave. It was filled with paintings of various real and mythical creatures.

We had lunch at a gas station. Most of us ate snitchzel which is a breaded chicken breast sandwhich with hummus... Very delicious!

Next door to the gas station was a recently excavated collesium. It was awesome to look at and apparently this finding made the area go from being regarded as a small city from the past to now being considered a major city from the past.

A little while later we went to the largest tank museum in the world. It was a real nice place:

At night, we went to Jaffa and we got an excellent view of Tel Aviv from Jaffa

The interesting Bible location in Jaffa is a building that Peter first had his vision about the Jews being able to eat all types of food. Here is the door to that building:

It's a little past midnight here now so I better hit the bead before we begin our next exciting adventure later today (8am) going to Caessarea Phillipi.